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Zdzisław Krasnodębski

Zdzisław Krasnodębski (Ignatianum University/University in Bremen), graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Warsaw and Ruhr-Universität Bochum, then obtained a Ph.D at the University of Warsaw on the basis of a thesis entitled: "The Fall of the Idea of Progress". In the years 1976–1991 lectured on sociology, social theory and philosophy at the University of Warsaw. Later was a professor at the University of Kassel for a year. In 1992 was appointed professor at the University of Bremen. Later also lectured at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, the Catholic University of America in Washington and Columbia University in New York, and as a guest lecturer at many other universities in Great Britain and the USA, e.g. Princeton University, the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. In 2005 became a member of the Honorary Committee supporting Lech Kaczyński in the presidential elections. In 2007-2009 was a member of the Public Service Council of the Prime Minister. Currently is a member of the Council of the Polish Institute of International Affairs, Chairman of the Council of the Western Institute in Poznań, Chairman of the Council of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and co-chairman of the Steering Committee of the Polish-British Belvedere Forum. In 2014 was elected a Member of the European Parliament, and in 2018-2019 its Vice-President. Re-elected as an MEP in 2019, currently serves as vice-chairman of the Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. Author of books: Understanding human behavior (Warsaw: PIW 1986), The Fall of the Idea of Progress (Warsaw: PIW 1991), Postmodern dilemmas of culture (Warsaw: Oficyna Naukowa 1996), M. Weber (Warsaw: Wiedza Powszechna 1999),Democracy of the periphery (Słowoobraz/terytoria 2005) and a selection of socio-political journalism:Climate change (Kraków: Center of Political Thought 2006),A nap is wiseh (Kraków: Center of Political Thought 2006), It doesn't bother me anymore (Kraków: Center of Political Thought 2010), There will be no greater miracle (Kraków: Center of Political Thought 2011), A winner after trials (Kraków: Center of Political Thought 2012), The curtain is up (Kraków: Center of Political Thought 2023).

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