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​The title of the new quarterly journal Free and Solidary. Between Idea and Practice refers to “Fighting Solidarity” (SW-Solidarność WalczÄ…ca), an organization founded in 1982 by Kornel Morawiecki, with the aims of ousting communist rule in Poland. SW’s leader was well aware though that Poland regaining its independence could not happen without the downfall of Soviet Union and communism internationally, which prompted his own reflection on the shape of Poland’s future political system and its status in the international order. Morawiecki’s political thinking and, thereby, the SW’s Program, published in 1987, revolved around two underlying values– freedom and solidarity– which he deemed fundamental for the constitution of the new, post-communist, system, which he often referred to “solidarism” or the Solidary Republic. The new system was meant to be improved version of the democratic capitalism.

The political thinking and the "Program and Ideological Principles" of Fighting Solidarity published in 1987 included two main values: freedom and solidarity, which were to be the basis of the design of the system emerging after the fall of communism. In his publications Morawiecki referred to it as Solidarism or the Solidarity Republic. The new system was supposed to be a correction of democratic capitalism.

​Nowadays, new threats and challenges – centralization of the decision-making process in the European Union challenging the sovereignty of national states, Russian neo-imperial foreign policy, the oligarchizing of liberal democracy, artificial intelligence and social media, the atomization of society, and the perceived loss of local and national cultures to globalization – need to be addressed.

​In this context, the quarterly’s aim is not so much to continue promoting the values – understood literally – underlying the Kornel Morawiecki’s “Fighting Solidarity” program, but rather to advocate a style of political thinking and addressing contemporary challenges. What remains unchanged, though, is a critique of, and arguments against, stereotypes and cliches. The WiS quarterly strives to fight the opposition between the individual and social dimensions of human existence, and particular and universal values. Close to our thinking are conservatism, a free market-based economy, patriotism and solidarism. The latter one, in our understanding, comprising internal, interpersonal, and international dimensions. Therefore, Central Europe and the Intermarium (Three Seas Initiative) countries constitute one of the fundamental focal points that WiS aims to focus on. We intend to discuss current issues pertaining to these countries and, at the same time, provide insight into their difficult and complicated history – a key to comprehending our modern times.

An important element of interest of our magazine will be Central Europe and the Intermarium countries. We intend to familiarize our readers with not only the present-day situation of the countries in our region, but also their difficult and complicated history, which is the key to understanding present.

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