Wolni i Solidarni
We encourage submitting texts that fit into the ideological and/or substantive formula of the magazine. Articles in electronic form should be sent to the editorial address: redakcja@czasopismo-wis.pl. Texts should not exceed 40,000 characters with spaces and be prepared in accordance with the editorial rules of the journal. The editors reserve the right to abbreviate articles and give them their own titles.
1. Main text
► the text file should be saved in *.doc or *.docx format;
► in the text file, please do not do any mechanical formatting of the text, i.e., for example, do not divide words and do not move single digits and letters (so-called suspensions) to the next line, do not set paragraph indentation with tabs, and do not use any special formatting (text formatting will be introduced at the composition level);
► font: Times New Roman, 12 points;
► Line spacing: 1.5 lines;
► Chapter titles in bold, numbering in Arabic numerals, subsection titles in italics, numbering 1.1 etc.
► method of highlighting: boldface (command "font"; then tab "character spacing" and command "spacing"; boldface 1.4 pt);
► Longer, multi-line quotations should be separated from the main text and submitted in a smaller font (10 points), separated from the main text by one blank line from the top and bottom and a space of 1 cm from the left;
► second degree quotation marks are used in necessary situations - please use the so-called French quotation marks « ». Example: "We didn't have «bucks» with us, so we couldn't buy hamburgers";
► omissions in the quoted passage should be marked with square brackets [...];
► titles of books, newspapers, magazines, journals, movies, musical works, works of art, etc. should be italicized, while titles of articles or chapters of books, etc. should be italicized. - in quotation marks;
► in the main text, please give full names at least the first time a character appears, e.g. Jan Kowalski (the next time - it can be the last name itself; avoid in the main text the form: J. Kowalski);
► in numerical expressions specifying a certain range (e.g., pp. 3-20, years 1888-1900), the semi-pause – is used, not the divisor -;
► please do not use full pauses –;
► references in the main text to footnotes are placed before the punctuation mark, e.g. We did not have " bucks" with us, so we could not buy hamburgers;
► after preparing the text following the above guidelines, please also check that one type of font (Times New Roman) is used in the text, especially if some parts of the text (e.g., web addresses) have been copied from external sources (e.g., the Internet). Hyperlinks should be removed;
► work on the file should be done using Microsoft Word (version 97-2003 or later) - to avoid errors that may arise when converting files to other formats;
► in the main text, full notations: in 1998, in the 12th century, the 1950s, June 7, 1966, World War II, for example, among other things, that is, percentages: 15 percent, three-quarters, before Christ, meters, kilograms; acceptable abbreviations: etc., °C. Small numbers verbally (e.g., four monuments), large numbers numerically (e.g., 234 residents, but: four thousand). In collateral text – in parentheses, as well as in footnotes and captions - abbreviations: 50s, e.g., i.a., BC, %, 3/4 (not ¾), m, kg.
► quotations from foreign-language sources should be translated - if the author of the translation is the author of the article, this should be annotated in a footnote at the first example: "Quotation translated by the authors of the text."
► expanded numbers in the notation of acts, scenes, chapters: in the third act, in scene five, chapter eight.
► titles of unpublished works (typescript, manuscript) should be written in antiqua, in quotation marks.
► titles of legal acts: without quotation marks, the first word in the title in capitals, e.g., Decree on the punishment of fascist-Hitlerian criminals.
► terms in foreign languages: in italics (e.g., terrorscapes).
► abbreviations introduced by notation: hereafter in ...
► We adopt traditional editorial principles: footnotes at the bottom of the page and bibliography at the end of the paper
► We do not include a bibliography
2. Examples of citations in footnotes
► font: Times New Roman, 10 points;
► line spacing: 1 line;
► please write consecutive bibliographic entries consistently in footnotes;
► please write the full name(s) of authors, editors, translators of texts on the first appearance (in subsequent appearances the last name alone);
► do not use abbreviated formulas, either Polish or Latin
► In footnotes, cite the publishers of works cited;
► please remember to give the name of the translator in the case of foreign works (articles, books, etc.) translated into Polish. Please use the formula "translated." E.g. Michel Foucault, To Supervise and Punish. The Birth of the Prison, translated by Tadeusz Komendant. Warsaw: Aletheia, 1993.
► The first time an item appears in a footnote, the full title (i.e., title and subtitle) of the work must be given; example: Krzysztof Brzechczyn,Umysł solidarnościowy. Geneza i ewolucja myśli społeczno-politycznej „Solidarności” w latach 1980–1989. Poznań-Warsaw: IPN Publishing House 2022, pp. 55-65. In subsequent footnotes the abbreviated version; example: Brzechczyn, Umysł solidarnościowy, 65.
► Example of footnote of article in collective work:
Roger Scruton, "Oikophobia and Xenophilia," translated by A. Depowska. Narody i Stereotypy, edited by Tadeusz Walas, Cracow: International Cultural Center 1995 pp. 291- 297; in subsequent footnotes: Scruton, Oikophobia, 291.
► example of citation in footnotes of a journal article: Zdzislaw Krasnodębski, "Rogera Scrutona powrót do domu." Przegląd Filozoficzny 2020 No. 1 (113), pp. 9-26; in subsequent footnotes] Krasnodębski, Rogera Scrutona, 11.
► When citing an online source, include the date of access in round brackets, e.g., Lukasz Warzecha, "Waszczykowski hits the jackpot or about vegans and cyclists." In: Wpolityce.pl (http://wpolityce.pl/polityka/277078-waszczykowski-trafia-w-dziesiatke-czyli-o-weganach-i-rowerzystach, accessed 05.01.2016)
Editorial guidelines in PDF